Essential Oils
Therapeutic grade essential oils contain natural properties from plants that have various healing and health benefits. They function as antibacterial, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, digestive and pain reliever, to name a few. The combination of therapeutic essential oils and chiropractic treatment help our patients maintain healthy and active lifestyles.
We receive our oils from Cure Oils located in Bountiful, UT. We believe they offer the highest quality therapeutic grade essential oils at the most affordable prices. Because they are a small company, they can choose which growers and distillers they want to buy from. In agriculture there are good growing years and bad growing years. CureOils is able to go out and find the highest quality oils each growing season. This guarantees they are always supplying the highest quality essential oils available on the market.
If you are not familiar with essential oils, Dr. Robb will recommend which ones will be best for you based on the conditions you have. Also, we offer essential oil workshops a few times a year where the owner of Cure Oils comes to our office to educate us and our patients on the various uses and applications of therapeutic oils for adults, children, and pets.